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United Prospectors Inc.,

The oldest family-oriented small miner's corporation in the US, established in 1947

Original Members Only

United Prospectors Member's Area Login

Welcome to the Member's Only Area.

In order to use this area of the UPI website:

  • Your membership must be up to date.

  • Your current e-mail address must be on file with the Membership Director.

If you have already established a password, please login below, otherwise scroll down to the next set of entry lines to request a password.

Email Address:


If you have forgotten your password, or if you need a new one, you can obtain a new password using the entry lines below. A new, randomly generated password will be sent to the e-mail address you have on file with the Membership Director, as long as the e-mail address and member number submitted below match our records. You may then return to this page and login with the new password using the entry lines above.

Email Address:

Member No.: